Two Decades of Basic Education in Rural China

(Nandana) #1

10 1 Introduction to the Development of Basic Education in China

Table 1.1 Major policy documents on compulsory education (1980–2010)

Source Niu ( 2011 )


English Chinese
1980.12 Decision on universalizing primary
education in whole country

(Guanyu zai Quanguo Puji Xiaoxue Jiaoyu
Ruogan Wenti de Jueding)
1985.5 Decision on the reform of educa-
tion system

(Zhonggong Zhongyang Guanyu Jiaoyu Tizhi
Gaige de Jueding)
1986.3 The compulsory education law 义务教育法 (Yiwu Jiaoyu Fa)
1986.4 Regulation on additional educa-
tional fees

(Guowuyuan Zhengshou Jiaoyufei Fujia de
Zanxing Guiding)
1993.2 Guideline for educational reform
and development of China

中国教育改革和发展纲要 (Zhongguo jiaoyu
gaige he fazhan gangyao)
1994.9 Opinions on implementation of the
two basics (i.e. universalizing com-
pulsory education and eradicating
illiteracy among the young and
middle-aged population)

关于在 90 年代基本普及九年制义务教育和基
本扫除青壮年文盲的实施意见 (Guanyu zai
90 Niandai jiben Puji Jiunianzhi yiwu Jiaoyu
he Jiben Saochu Qingzhuangnian Wenmang de
Shishi Yijian)
1999.6 The decision on deepening the
education reform and enhancing
the quality of education

进素质教育的决定 (Zhonggong Zhongyang
Guowuyuan Guanyu Shenhua Jiaoyu Gaige
Quanmian Tuijin Suzhi Jiaoyu de Jueding)

  1. Decision on reform and develop-
    ment of basic education

(Jichu Jiaoyu Gaige de Jueding)
2005.5 Some suggestions on enhancing the
balanced development of compul-
sory education

见 (Guanyu Jinyibu Tuijin Yiwu Jiaoyu Junheng
Fazhan de Ruogan Yijian)
2006.1 Notice on the elimination of extra
school fees for rural compulsory
education students

费的通知 (Guanyu dui Quanguo Nongcun Yiwu
Jiaoyu Jieduan Xuesheng Mianshou Xuezafei
de Tongzhi)
2006.6 The revised compulsory education

义务教育法 (Yiwu Jiaoyu Fa)

2008.8 Notice on the elimination of extra
school fees to urban compulsory
education students

杂费工作的通知 (Guanyu Zuohao Mianchu
Chengshi Yiwu Jiaoyu Jieduan Xuesheng
Xuezafei Gongzuo de Tongzhi)
2010.6 Mid and long term education and
development program (2010–2020)

中长期教育改革与发展纲要 (Zhongchangqi
Jiaoyu Gaige Yu Fazhan Gangyao 2010–2020)

1.1.3 Overview of Management and Financing of Education

From soon after the founding of the People’s Republic of China schools were
managed and funded through a ‘dual-track system’. This meant that urban schools
were administered and funded by central government, and rural schools by local

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