Two Decades of Basic Education in Rural China

(Nandana) #1

and restaurants which contrast with its appearance in 1990 when there were a few
shops selling mostly basic commodities and the town was much smaller with very
few large buildings.

4.2 Change and Transformation in Zhaojue in Bier

and Sikai

Two areas were selected for case studies in Zhaojue (Lewin and Wang 1994 ).
These were Bier and Sikai. Bier District is 32 km north of Zhaojue County. It links
with Yuexi County in the north and Pangxide County in the west. The Bier River

Map. 4.1 Site 3—Zhaojue County in Liang Shan Yi Autonomous Region

4.1 Social and Economic Background

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