Two Decades of Basic Education in Rural China

(Nandana) #1

72 4 Nine Year Compulsory Education ...

Figure 4.1 shows how enrolments have been changing and have more than
doubled over twenty years. In 2007/8 special efforts were made to increase the
enrolment of children. In 2007/8 grade 1 enrolments were high and the bulge of
enrolments moved on to grade 2 in 2008/9 and grade 3 in 2009/10. Those enrolled
included over age children. The next cohort entering in grade 1 in 2008/9 was
smaller since no more over-age children could be enrolled. In most recent years
the numbers in grade 6 have been around half those in grade 1 indicating that drop
out remains serious issue.
The current pattern can be compared with enrolments in 1990 shown by the
dotted line. It is clear that many more children are attending school. It is also clear
that many of those who enrol in grade 1 are still unlikely to graduate since the
numbers in grade 6 remain much lower than in grade 1. Overall in 2010 there
appeared to be less than 1000 children in the primary age group who are out of
school, out of about 31,000, according to county statistics. These may underesti-
mate both school age children and those out of school.
Currently 42 % of those enrolled in primary are girls and the proportion con-
tinues to rise. In 1990 very few girls were enrolled and some village schools had
no girls in grade 6. The problem was recognised and some all girl classes were
introduced in one central primary school. These classes group all girls together in
a grade and are often supported by subsidies from sponsors. In 2010 some all girl
classes were in evidence in much the same pattern as in 1990. The classes did not
appear to run all through the school but were only in particular grades. The spon-
sored grade group moved forward together. As far as could be established the cur-
riculum followed differed little from that offered to mixed classes and the books












Grade1 Grade2Grade3 Grade4 Grade5 Grade6




Fig. 4.1 Enrolments in Zhaojue

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