The Rise and Fall of Meter

(Tina Sui) #1

Page numbers in bold indicate illustrations.

accent: in Anglo-Saxon verse, 74; based Eng-
lish rhythm, 227n6; Bridges on, 90–91;
Enfield on, 17–18; grave accents, 56,
216n29; Guest on, 43, 96; Hopkins on,
70; Lindley Murray and, 38; Newbolt on,
135; pronunciation and, 38; Sheridan on,
40; versification and, 41–42; Walker on,
17–18. See also beat; metrical markings
accentual verse, 90–91
“Admirals All” (Newbolt), 124, 128
Admirals All (Newbolt), 123, 124–25
Aeneid (Virgil), 21
alliteration, 36, 71–72, 221n79
“All Sounds Have Been as Music” (Owen),
alphabets, 38
Amelia, Tamerton Church Tower (Patmore),
46, 68, 219n62
anapests, 85, 102, 137
Ancient Rhythmical Art Recovered, The
(O’Brien), 44
Andrews, C. E., 98
Angel in the House, The (Patmore), 69
Anglo-Saxonism: Barnes and, 73, 74;
Bridges and, 91, 97; English national
identity and, 9, 19, 111, 221n76; Hop-
kins and, 49, 74; Pound and, 186; Saints-
bury and, 98, 101; Skeat and, 97; in
state-funded schools, 111
Anglo-Saxon poetry, 36, 37, 74
Anteaus myth, 164
“Anthem for Doomed Youth” (Owen), 172
anxiety neuroses, 158, 159, 160
arithmetic, 24
Armstrong, Isobel, 15
Army Report to the War Office Committee En-
quiry into “Shell-Shock,” 237n34
Arnold, Matthew: classical education and,
12; on classics, 113; dactylic hexameter
and, 5; on diction, 117; on discipline,

117; on English literature, 113, 116;
Homer translations and, 5; on memoriza-
tion, 113, 116, 139; metrical intimacy of,
112–18, 122, 123; recitation and, 111;
on rhythm, 117; translations of metrical
form and, 6
Arnold, Matthew, writings of: Culture and
Anarchy, 110; General Inspector’s Report
(1867), 113; General Inspector’s Report
(1878), 116; On the Study of Celtic Lit-
erature, 229n20; On Translating Homer,
229n20; “Teachers and the Education
Bill,” 113, 115
Arnold, Thomas, 227n7
arsis, 63, 64, 217n43
artificial memory methods, 23–24, 25 , 26,
27, 31–32
Artists’ Rifles, 153
Art of Elocution, The (Vandenhoff ), 44
Art of Reading, The (Sheridan), 40–42,
Art of Versification, The (Esenwein and M.
Roberts), 136
Attridge, Derek, 14
Augustan verse line, 9
“Auld Lang Syne” (Burns), 31, 157
aural perception, 71–72. See also English ear;
Aurora Leigh (E. Browning ), 163
autognosis, 159
Aytoun, W. H., 6

Baldick, Chris, 110
ballad meter, 6, 31, 101
ballad poetry, 115, 124
ballads, 27, 121, 124, 233n66
Barbauld, Anna Laetitia, 16–17, 199
Barnes, William, 73, 74–75
Barnett, P. A., 122
“Barrack-Room Ballads” (Kipling ), 125
“Bassée, La” (Graves), 155–57
Battle of Hastings, 27
Beasley, Rebecca, 3



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