African Expressive Cultures : African Appropriations : Cultural Difference, Mimesis, and Media

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“cr azy white men” 241

because that was the big genre back then. So I realized that they enforced
their own culture, their own way of dancing, of graffiti and of emceeing
and I wondered how they [did] it. Looking into that I saw that they put
the A merican flag up every where and I thought maybe we can learn from
them so I started putting the Nam flag up every where; I must tell you it
works. I mean in 2010 [2010 FIFA World Cup] South A fricans know, you
put the flag up everybody—black, white, Asian, Indian, everybody: we are
one. So Namibia needed that after independence and so did South A frica
and that’s the second reason why I did that.

Of the three artists, Mzungu Kichaa stresses his “being African” the
most. Maybe this is due to the fact that unlike the two others, he cannot
claim to be a born African. Perhaps it is safe to say that he is African by
affection. “I am African,” reads the T-shirt he sports on the cover of his
2012 single, African Hustle (see figure 8.3).
In a different song, “Ujumbe” (The message, 2009), he explains his
emotional attachment to Tanzania and his desire to become a citizen:

Nimetunga nyimbo ya Watanzania

I have composed a song for my
fellow Tanzanians!
Ebu sikiliza ninachotaka

Please listen to what I want to tell
Nimepapenda sana hapa nchini I am very much in love with this
Watu ni wazuri kweli kweli The people are really very nice
Wamenikaribisha vizuri sana They have welcomed me so well
Mpaka nimesahau nilikotoka until I have forgotten where I came
Nikiulizwa leo ni Tanzania Today, when I am asked, it is
Kwa mila niliyopata nikilelewa For the culture I was socialized
into as I grew up

Nimekuja Tanzania kuwaomba

I have come to Tanzania to request
Niwaeleze nini, ili mweze

W hat shall I explain to you, so that
you can believe me?
Nyama, ndizi, ugali, mchicha, yote

Meat and plantain, ugali and
spinach, I eat it all
Kwa nini isitoshe kunipatia uraia W hy shouldn’t this suffice for me
to be granted citizenship?
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