(Sean Pound) #1

Before you HOP ON

your bike, be safe.

of the traf fic.

Go with the flow

See the signs

If you are riding
on the road,
stop at all stop
signs and obey
traf fic lights just
as cars do.

ake sure you
now the rules
about where you
are and are not
allowed to cycle.
Ride in the cyclist’s
lane when you can.

Know where to go

Look and listen

Always stop and check for
traf fic in both directions
when leaving your driveway,
an alley, or a curb.

Wear brightly coloured clothing. This
helps pedestrians and drivers to spot
you coming, and stay out of the way.
Use hand signals, and make sure
you use bike-lights, especially in the
evening and at night.

Be seen, be safe

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