The annual Kowen Forest Ride is on
again and this year the event celebrates
its 10th anniversary. With two days of
epic riding just outside the nation’s
capital, Kowen is a must for any serious
or not-so-serious trailrider.
We’ve made it even easier for you to
enter. All you have to do is tear out these
two pages, fill 'em in and post them to
DSMRA Kowen Entries. PO Box 1069,
Belconnen, ACT 2616 or email them to
[email protected].
xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx
xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx
xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx
xxxxxx xxxxxx
38 | APRIL 2016 http://www.adbmag.com.au
Thisform must accompany your completed entryform.
Please ensure that this form is signed and
witnessed before submitting
To: DualSports Motorcycle Riders Association http://dsmra.asn.au
I_____________________________________________________wish to participate in an outdoor recreational activity program
operated byDSMRA ACT.
Iunderstand that some of the activities in which I may participate:
- will be physically and emotionally demanding;
- may involve a significant risk ofphysical harm; and
- mayhave to be cancelled,postponed or rescheduled due to weather conditions
Myparticipationinanyactivityis voluntaryand not compulsory.
Iunderstandcertain inherent risksexistintheactivitiesinwhich I will be participating. Although the organisation anditsinstructors
will provide me with appropriate directions and will endeavour to minimise my exposure to the risk of harm, these inherent risksare
beyond the control ofthe DualSports Motorcycle Riders Association, its volunteers and staffand cannot be avoided by the exercise of
reasonable care and skill. Inherent risks include changes in weather conditions and difficulties in obtainingemergency medical
assistance. For example, some activities will take place in remote settings, hours from the nearest medical services.
Iam aware that there are some risks that are common to manyor all of the activities in which I mayparticipate, such as the riskof
harmcaused by varying weather conditions, by uneven or changing terrain and by nativeflora andfauna. However, some activities in
which I may participate carry with them risks of harm that are particular to that activity, such as but not limited to the following risk:
·losingcontrol of bike and collidingwith obstacles such as
trees, rocks or other cyclists;
·failingto negotiate obstacles includingdifficult terrain;
·beingrequired to carry bike due to nature or condition of
·fallingfrom bike, possibly at speed;
·becoming lost;
·beingexposed to the elementsfor longperiods oftime;
·beinginjured in an area not readily accessible for
emergency services;
·strained muscle ligaments and cartilages;
·broken or dislocated bones orjoints;
·insect bites and/or animal / reptile bites;
·sunburn and/or ultraviolet radiation damage to skin and/or
·dirt, sand, dust or other foreign material entering eyes or
skinirritations; and
·injury causedby burns, cuts and/or abrasions.
Iauthorise the Dual Sports Motorcycle Riders Association to arrange medical treatment and emergency evacuation services on my
behalfand at my cost, in the event ofmy injury or illness, as it deems necessary. I understand that the DualSports Motorcycle Riders
Association, its volunteers and staff will endeavour to keep personal items safe but that they accept no responsibility for the
safekeeping of those items.
Partxx xxxx xxxxxxxicipant Namexxxx Participant Signature
Participantxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx Licence No
Witness Name WitnessSignature
EmergencyContact Name EmergencyContact Phone
Please list any known medical conditions below eg. Diabetes,Epilepsy, allergiesetc.