
(Greg DeLong) #1

Charity Car Wash 2016

January 2016, Saturday; student
volunteers from NTU (Nanyang
Technological University) Riders Club
rose early to join staff from ArmorAll
to raise funds for The Singapore
Association Of the Deaf through a
Charity Car Wash. The event that
kicked off at 9am at the premises
of Association along Mountbatten
Road, saw a steady stream of cars
driving in to give their car the ultimate

car wash with quality products
generously sponsored by ArmorAll.
Staffs from Sensatec Asia Pte Ltd,
the distributor of ArmorAll, were on-
site to give the volunteers valuable
tips on how to achieve that perfect
wash and gleam with quality products
from ArmorAll. The teams worked
tirelessly under the sun from 9am to
6pm, with satisfied car and motorbike
owners making a $20 per car and $10
per motorbike to the Association.
Sensatec Asia Pte Ltd has been
sponsoring and organizing the Charity
Wash for The Association of the Deaf

for the past five years. The company
believes that the charity car wash event
is not just a good way to give back to
the society but also an opportunity to
share tips with car owners who are
keen to find out how best to maintain
their cars in pristine condition. This
year’s event raised a total of $3,391.45
for The Singapore Association Of the
Deaf. In total, 67 car and 161 motorbike
owners donated to the cause.
For the automotive enthusiasts, there
can be no better way of contributing to
a good cause by bringing their cars for a
charity car wash!


Armorall and students from NTU raised over $3,000 in charity car wash for
The Singapore Association Of The Deaf

March 2016 // 57
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