
(Greg DeLong) #1


t is always an uphill struggle
to stay awake, especially after
a heavy lunch or on a long
and monotonous road trip.
The eyelids get heavier and before
you know it, you are a potential
risk or hazard to both yourself and
fellow motorists around you.
Falling asleep behind the wheel is one
of the top major contributing factors to
accidents around the world. One in four
drivers are at the risk of falling asleep
while driving, thus pushing automotive
manufacturers to install driving safety
devices to help keep drivers from falling
into blissful slumber. However, these
come at a price and are reflected in the
car’s hefty price-tag. For the individuals
whose cars do not possess such
driving safety aids, there is a solution.
The VueMate DL330A Driver State
Monitor is exactly what it is, a driver
monitoring device. The slim and
barely-broad device is the result of
countless hours of study, research and
development. Hailing from Korea, the
device packs a host of sophisticated
camera and sensor equipment, such

as a high performance camera, infrared
sensors and an image processor.
These are a necessity for the purpose
of instantaneously recognising facial
patterns to detect drowsiness, such
as drooping eyelids, or even prolonged
periods when the eyes are not looking
forward. The Driver State Monitor
reacts simultaneously by blinking its
LEDs and a variety of warning beeps
from an integrated loudspeaker.
Wheels Asia had the opportunity to
test the Driver State Monitor during a
full day’s stint. Included in this test is a
connecting GPS receiver (optional) that
detects moments when the car has
come to a complete stop, allowing the
driver to glance freely around without
the incessant buzzing. Installation is
fuss-free and pretty straight forward;
rest the Driver State Monitor on the
flat surface of the steering column and
plug it in. The monitor will automatically
scan and identify pupil position,
confirming the successful recognition
with a resounding ding-dong sound.
The Driver State Monitor is always
in a constant state of scanning. Should

you be caught dozing off for more
than just a second, a single beep is
buzzed to recapture your attention.
If that fails, the device will buzz a
hurried series of beeps. Interestingly,
any eye or head motion that strays
away, either to peep at your mobile
or prolonged distraction will warrant a
different buzz in the form of a ding.
You might ask if it works with
sunglasses, yes the Driver State
Monitor’s sophisticated array of sensors
are able to penetrate through and detect
eye motion and works just as well
during dimly-lit or in dark environments,
such as night driving or in a car park.
All in all, the VueMate DL330A Driver
State Monitor is a fascinating device
that will surely be of benefit to users
who frequently ply the roads; whether
it is a bus or taxi, goods delivery driver,
the Driver State Monitor will surely
help keep those sleepy eyes awake,
or away from the constant distraction
of mobile phones, which should not
be used when the car is in motion. For
the long-distance solo-driver, the Driver
State Monitor will surely be an asset.

The VueMate Driver State Monitor is available at Wow! Gadgets Pte Ltd, Tel: 6100 9691

There is not a
moment that the
Driver State Monitor
rests, and neither will
you, as it keeps you
focused on driving

March 2016 // 59
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