
(Greg DeLong) #1

Know Your Route
Before you even approach a
cycling coach, have a clear
picture of what you’re aiming
to achieve by employing one.
“If you have a specific event
in mind or a sportive you’re
looking to complete, present
this to the coach,” says Wise.
“If you can pinpoint your
aims, are honest about your
starting point and the time
you can commit to training,
you’ll be more likely to have a
successful relationship.”

Shop Around
“Contact a range of coaches –
most have their own websites
or Twitter feeds – and discuss
your personal requirements.
Communication and trust are
the biggest part of coaching
and they are the hardest
things to get right,” says
Wise. “If you feel you’ve got
someone who you can bond
with, ask them for references

of successful clients whose
needs mirrored yours.”

Get Value For Money
Because every rider’s
needs are different, many
professional coaches offer a
range of packages, and prices
vary accordingly. “A good
coach will evaluate your goals,
your time and your fitness, and
suggest a realistic package

  • they may even suggest a
    different coach if they’re not
    sure they can help you.” Be
    prepared to pay anything from
    £30 to upwards of £130 a
    month depending upon the
    type of coaching programme.

Don’t Let Locality
Clinch It
Many coaches work remotely
these days, communicating
with their clients via phone,
email and Skype to set out
training plans and monitor
progress using systems like

Training Peaks. “A good coach
will let you know how they
work, the technology you’ll
need and how regularly they’ll
be in touch,” says Wise. “If
you contact a coach and they
don’t get back to you within
24 hours to even acknowledge
you, it doesn’t bode well!”

Look Beyond
The Letters
“Coaching qualifications
such as the ABCC’s or British
Cycling’s Level 3 are vital
and show your trainer has a
grounding in cycling theory,
but don’t just choose the
highest qualified,” says Wise.
“Choose the coach most
suited to your goals and who
you feel you can best work
with, and review how the
relationship is working and
how you’re progressing. In
most cases, within three years
a coach will have done all he or
she can to bring a client on.”

When you need energy fast, where
should you turn?



Not so mellow yellow
The ultimate signifier of cycling success is yellow
–the jersey some rider gets to parade around France
in each summer – and so is perhaps the greatest of all
cycling rocket fuels. Easy to eat and easy to digest,
bananas are full of fast-acting carbs and make the
perfect pre- or mid-ride snack.

Gurt big hit
Dairy products are often a good source of
carbohydrate, and yoghurt is an excellent choice for
a quick hit of energy due to it having a high glycemic
index rating. The glycemic index measures how fast
and how much a food raises your blood glucose levels,
and those with a higher index rating will give you a
quicker energy boost. Go for a low fat yoghurt, though,
and it’s generally better to avoid those with added
sugar, which most flavoured yoghurts will have.

Jam it in
You’ll get a tasty 50g carb hit from a home-made jam
sandwich, with white bread giving a more instant hit
than wholemeal. Scottish legend and former Hour
record holder Graeme Obree swore by marmalade
sarnies, and they never did him any harm.

Use your loaf
Another staple of cycling down the years has been
the malt loaf. An excellent source of carbohydrate,
this is undoubtedly one of your tastiest options for an
energy hit. As a bonus, it’ll keep drip-feeding you small
additional bursts of energy as you extricate piece by
piece the bits that get stuck in your teeth. Supplement
with fig rolls for the ultimate ‘can that really be good
for you?’ ride-fuelling regime.

Wind him up
and watch
him go

Coach Alex Wise of Wise Cycle Training shares his top tips on
finding the right coach to help you achieve your goals


86 // March 2016

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