Asian Geographic 3 - 2016 SG

(Michael S) #1

05 Azalea blooms at Mount
Guifeng in Macheng,
northeast of Hubei
06 Lotus roots are eaten
raw in Hubei as they are
crunchy and sweet

The Chinese love lotus
very much. They call it the
“gentleman’s flower” because
it grows out of the mud but it’s
beautiful, pure and unstained

is 74 kilometres long going round in a
big circle. With the stunning view it’s the
perfect site for cycling events, and there
are competitions held there every year.
Talking about food, Hubei cuisine is
not really well known outside the province,
but there is one cooking ingredient that
is most used here. The Chinese love lotus
very much – they call it the “gentleman’s
flower” because it grows out of the mud
but it’s beautiful, pure and unstained.
In summer time, the lakes and ponds
in our village are full of lotus flowers
and their big green leaves. However, the
villagers grow lotus not for its beauty,
but for its root and seed. Lotus root is a
very important and a common cooking
ingredient in Chinese cuisine. The best
lotus root is found here in Hubei.
Since I left Hubei, I’ve lived in
Chengdu, Thailand, Singapore and Japan
for many years, but I’ve never seen people
eat raw lotus root. In Hubei, we eat them
fresh and raw in the winter because it’s
crunchy and sweet. We also make use of
the lotus leaves; it is placed under a bun
before we steam it, so it will absorb the



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