Asian Geographic 3 - 2016 SG

(Michael S) #1
with much fanfare, with a speech by Claire-Lise Dautry,
the executive director of the Alliance Française and
Diana herself – all this not without the absence of red
wine and some delicious quiche.

investigating identity
The word totem, which is defined as “a natural object

Diana’s photos fuse the
traditional and the modern,
to create new possibilities of
defining a woman’s identity

Angeles and later migrating to Europe where she is now
based, Diana’s transient life between three different
continents has informed most of the philosophy behind
her photography.
“I’m all about gathering images into the black box
of my camera and in that box is the meeting point
between me and my subject. That’s the encounter
that I’m looking for,” she explains, as we talk over a
cheesecake and two coffees at the Alliance Française de
Singapour, where her exhibition, TOTEM, was due to
open that night.
A total of 27 portraits were on display on the upper
floor of the expansive space at the Sarkies Road cultural
institution, in collaboration with the Alliance Française
de Kuala Lumpur. The opening night was celebrated

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