Asian Geographic 3 - 2016 SG

(Michael S) #1
w hat aRe Cash

Cash transfers provide money
to people who are struggling
to provide food for their
families. It is an alternative to
traditional food assistance,
which incur high costs of
transporting and storing food.
Cash and vouchers, which can
be redeemed for food items
or spent in local markets, are
preferred as they offer more
choice and variety. WFP is
currently developing other
innovative methods, like
scratch cards or “e-vouchers”
sent via text message to
mobile phones.

second payout, I got my money from
the local remittance centre.”
WFP Philippines is increasingly
using cash transfers as a method for
improving food security, especially in
areas where markets are accessible.
Women such as Analyn play a crucial
role in ensuring there is food on the
table in the household. With the
entitlement she received, Analyn was
able to buy rice, fish, sugar and soap
for her family. She has also set aside
some money for emergency needs.
“I do prefer cash because I can
buy food as well as other essentials.
Everything I need, I can buy with cash.
I can also provide allowance for my
children when they go to school,”
Analyn shares.
As she finishes the careful
inspection of the vegetables in the
communal garden, Analyn expresses
thanks to her local government and
WFP for the assistance provided.
“We will make sure that we sustain
this garden. We will not only get
money from it, but we can also get
vegetables which our families can
eat,” she says. ag

below Analyn at her
community garden in Lanao
del Sur with pumpkins,
eggplants and bitter gourds
RiGht Right after getting her
entitlement, Analyn buys 10
kilogrammes of rice to feed
her family

Analyn explains. “Even though they
had already thought us how to use it,
I was nervous because it was my first
time withdrawing money from the
ATM. I didn’t know which buttons to
press and I had to ask for help from
the bank’s security guard! For the

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