suspension bridges over deep gorges,
huge sandstorms, snow and plenty
of four-legged traffic who owned the
right of way – mules, yaks, jopkyos (a
cross between a yak and a cow). But
Dominique took it all in her stride.
“It was the perfect way to celebrate
International Women’s Day,” she
said. “This was a tough expedition
and I wasn’t sure I could complete
it. But somewhere along the way,
while experiencing the Sherpas’
warm hospitality and getting to know
our guides Finjo and Roshan, and
being surrounded by jaw-dropping
picturesque landscapes, I knew
I’d find the strength to reach my
destination. And I did.” ag
"It was a tough expedition and I wasn't sure
I could complete it, but somehow I found the
strength to reach my destination"
“EBC was the farthest thing from my
mind until Ace Adventure Expeditions
announced the 2016 International
Women's Day Challenge to encourage
more women to trek, mountain climb,
appreciate the outdoors and to raise
funds for Zonta Singapore's Project
Pari, benefitting underprivileged
teenage girls,” said Ms Dominique
Low, who was one of the five women
who scaled the heights.
“EBC sounded intimidating, and the
word ‘Everest’ has this effect of either
scaring the wits out of you or making
you really curious. So of course, I
signed up!” Dominique confessed.
The EBC trek saw more than 120
kilometres of seemingly endless rocky
terrain, steep ascents, tricky descents,
above View of Mount Everest
and Everest Base Camp from
Kala Patthar
leFt Dominique Low, second
from right, was part of the
five-woman trek team led by
Joanne Soo (far left)
RiGht Dominique at Everest
Base Camp, surrounded by
picturesque landscapes
by Joanne Soo, one of the partners
of Ace Adventure Expeditions who
was also part of Singapore’s first all-
women’s team to reach the summit
of Mount Everest in 2009. The EBC
stands at 5,380 metres and is the
most popular trekking activity in the