BBC Knowledge Asia Edition 3

(Marcin) #1
TOP: Experiments at the
Large Hadron Collider
are helping scientists
gain a deeper knowledge of

ABOVE: Collisions between
protons at the Large Hadron
Collider are once again being
analysed in the hunt for a
new particle

by the Standard Model! So it could be the first hint of
a better, bigger theory that the Standard Model would
be embedded in. The bigger theory would have a
chance of answering questions that the Standard
Model doesn’t answer, such as what is dark matter,
how does gravity fit into the picture, and why is there
more matter than antimatter in the Universe? Despite
having proved that the Higgs was there, the Standard
Model doesn’t answer those questions so it’s clearly
not any kind of final word on fundamental physics.

If it is confirmed, what would you do next?
The theorists are having a heyday already. They’re
building all kinds of hypotheses to answer some of
the open questions, using this [potential particle] as a
clue. It’s like you’ve filled in a new word in a
crossword puzzle that gets you into a corner of the
puzzle you’ve not been in before. Most of those
hypotheses will say, ‘If my theor y is right, not only do
you see this thing, but if you look over there you can
see another thing’. All of these theories have
consequences for other measurements we can make
at the LHC. As experimentalists, we’ll be weeding out
the ones that don’t work and hopefully zooming in on


Who are you calling a dumb blonde? A study at the
Ohio State University has found that blonde women
have marginally higher average IQs than brunettes or
redheads and are more likely to be classified as
geniuses. But don’t bother reaching for the bleach

  • the effect was only seen in natural blondes.

Here’s an excuse to get away somewhere sunny:
Swedish researchers have found that catching some
rays may help extend your life. However, sunbathing
for long periods can cause skin cancer so don’t stay
out for more than half an hour.

If you find yourself keeping up with the Kardashians,
you may be a narcissist. University of Pennsylvania
researchers have found that reality TV fans score
more highly on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory.

Next time you see someone flipping off another driver,
blame Tiddles. People suffering from intermittent
explosive disorder, a condition that causes aggressive
outbursts such as road rage, are more than twice as
likely to be infected with Toxoplasma gondii, a
parasite carried by moggies.



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