BBC Knowledge Asia Edition 3

(Marcin) #1


It depends
on the
within the
reader, but
it is quite possible to trick many of
them. Some will be fooled by a mould
of your finger made out of the same
gelatin as gummy bears – the gelatin
has a similar electrical conductivity
as your finger. Some will be deceived
by a fingerprint on a simple piece of
sticky tape. Some are even outfoxed
by a simple photocopied image of a
fingerprint. Most are not aware if the
owner of the finger is alive or dead.
Like all security systems, fingerprint
readers are not perfect. PB

Is it possible to fool

fingerprint readers?

  1. Andean condor
    Weight: 15kg
    Distribution: South America

  2. Eurasian black vulture
    Weight: 14kg
    Distribution: South Europe
    and Central Asia

  3. Lappet-faced vulture
    Weight: 14kg
    Distribution: Africa and
    Middle East

  4. Himalayan vulture
    Weight: 12.5kg
    Distribution: Central Asia and

  5. California condor
    Weight: 12kg
    Distribution: North America

Jupiter, which has a mass three times the
combined mass of all the other planets, dominates
gravitational interactions within the Solar System.
But even if it suddenly disappeared there would be very
little impact on the movements of the other planets, which
are mostly determined by the Sun’s gravity. There would be
minor changes in the planets’ orbits about the Sun, but very
little else. However, Jupiter does a great job of shepherding and
absorbing small objects in the Solar System. With Jupiter gone, the
main effect on Earth would be an increase in the rate of impacts from
asteroids and other space flotsam. AG

Which planet, if

it disappeared,

would affect

Earth the most?

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