
(singke) #1


  1. What are the endocrine causes of slipped capital femoral epiphysis?

Primary hypothyroidism, growth hormone defi ciency, rhGH therapy, Cushing’s
syndrome, obesity, and primary hyperparathyroidism are the important endo-
crine causes of slipped capital femoral epiphysis. It is commonly bilateral and
occurs due to disproportionate growth of epiphyseal growth plate as compared
to head of the femur.

  1. What are the disorders associated with increased prevalence of hypothyroidism?

Disorders associated with increased prevalence of hypothyroidism include
Turner syndrome, Down syndrome, celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, William
syndrome, and Klinefelter’s syndrome.

  1. A 4 - year - old girl presented with goiter. On evaluation , thyroid function test
    showed T 4 3.5 μ g / dl and TSH 29 μ IU / ml. How to evaluate further?
    The index child has primary hypothyroidism. The common causes of primary
    hypothyroidism in children include Hashimoto’s disease and delayed- onset
    dyshormonogenesis. Therefore, further evaluation includes estimation of anti-
    thyroid peroxidase antibody and perchlorate discharge test. In addition, X-rays
    for bone age estimation should also be performed. In children without goiter,
    99m Tc pertechnetate scan should be performed to assess the presence/absence of
    ectopic thyroid tissue.

Fig. 3.15 Plain
radiograph of pelvis
depicting stippled femoral
epiphysis ( red arrows ) in a
patient with juvenile
primary hypothyroidism

3 Thyroid Disorders in Children
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