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In this scenario, samples for 17(OH)P, cortisol and aldosterone, and plasma
renin activity should be sent, and therapy with hydrocortisone and intravenous
fl uids should be initiated empirically, pending the result of these investigations.
The distinguishing characteristics of various causes of salt-wasting based on the
results of biochemical investigations are summarized in the table given below.

Disorders 17(OH)P



Plasma renin
Classical CAH (salt-wasting) Elevated Low Low Elevated
Congenital adrenal hypoplasia Low Low Low Elevated
Congenital hypoaldosteronism Normal Normal Low Elevated
Pseudohypoaldosteronism Normal Normal Elevated Elevated

  1. How to treat a neonate with salt-wasting crisis due to CAH?

Prompt recognition and management is essential to prevent mortality asso-
ciated with salt-wasting crisis. The management of salt-wasting crisis
includes intravenous fluids preferably containing isotonic dextrose–saline
and intravenous hydrocortisone at doses of 100 mg/m^2 in divided doses.
Administration of dextrose with saline is preferred rather than saline, as
neonates with salt crisis are prone to hypoglycemia due to cortisol defi-
ciency as cortisol is also required for gluconeogenesis. Isotonic saline
promptly corrects intravascular volume depletion and helps in restoring
eukalemia. Once the child is hemodynamically stable and starts accepting
oral feed, therapy with oral hydrocortisone (10–15 mg/m^2 in divided doses)
and fludrocortisone (100 μg twice daily) can be initiated along with oral
salt supplementation (4–8 mmol/Kg). Newborns require higher doses of
fludrocortisone as they are aldosterone resistant.

  1. What are the features of virilization of external genitalia in a 46,XX newborn?

The extent of virilization in a 46,XX newborn due to prenatal androgen expo-
sure may vary from Prader stage 1–5 depending on the time of exposure, sever-
ity of androgen excess, and sensitivity to androgens. Urogenital sinus
differentiation is complete by 12 th week of intrauterine life; hence, the androgen
exposure prior to 12 weeks results in labioscrotal fusion along with clitoro-
megaly, while exposure after 12 weeks results in isolated clitoromegaly. In
addition, the severity of androgen excess and sensitivity to androgens also
determine the extent of virilization (Fig. 10.4 ).

10 Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
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