
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri de Rouvroy, count
de (1760–1825) French political and economic
thinker; founder of socialism

One of the first philosophers of MODERN SOCIALISM,
Saint-Simon was an aristocratic Frenchman influenced
Applying Modern scientific methods, Saint-Simon
believed that history and technology advanced accord-
ing to natural laws, inevitably leading to socialism.
Like Karl MARX, he believed that humanity could know
these historical laws and contribute to PROGRESSIVE
change. All political and economic systems have an
IDEOLOGYthat supports them, and CAPITALIST INDUSTRI-
ALISMneeded a philosophy that reinforced it (“positive
science”). The MEDIEVALsocial system of FEUDALISMwas
maintained by CATHOLICtheology (St. Thomas AQUINAS)
and monarchical political theory (DIVINE RIGHT OF
KINGS), so Modern bourgeois society could be fur-
thered by a progressive, evolutionary economic theory.
His ideal society was to be run by “enlightened” scien-
tists, engineers, artists, and entrepreneurs, creating a
technologically advanced, prosperous nation.
At first, Saint Simon adopted the LIBERALphiloso-
phy of John LOCKE, emphasizing individual RIGHTS, LIB-

ERTY, and so on, but as he saw the impoverished work-
ing masses suffer ALIENATION and powerlessness, he
moved toward more collectivist, socialist principles.
He envisioned a society, like PLATO’s Republic,of differ-
ent classes performing various functions (agriculture,
manufacturing, educators) but having equal worth and
dignity within a harmonious whole. Some people (like
PHILOSOPHER-KINGS) would be natural leaders, but they
would serve their subordinates and the common good
of the country.
His CHRISTIANITYintroduced an ethical and religious
dimension to Saint-Simon’s socialist UTOPIA. The true
teaching of Jesus Christ enjoined humility and equality,
not the HIERARCHYand authority of the CATHOLICChurch
of the Middle Ages. Caring for the poor and lowly, cre-
ating a just society of peace and harmony were truly
Christian prospects, for him. By making his faith practi-
cal and economic, Saint-Simon foreshadowed the SOCIAL
With Charles FOURIER and Robert OWEN, Saint-
Simon is considered one of the original socialist

Further Readings
Ionescu, G., ed. The Political Thought of Saint-Simon.London:
Oxford University Press, 1976.

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