
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Xavier, Francis, St. (1506–1552) Spanish Jesuit

Born of an aristocratic family in Basque Spain, Xavier
joined the Jesuits under the original founder of the
religious order, IGNATIUS LOYOLA. He is primarily signifi-
cant to political thought as a leading CATHOLICmission-
ary who brought Western CHRISTIANITY to Eastern
countries (East Indies, Ceylon, and especially Japan).
He employed the governmental power in Goa, India,
to assist in proselytizing, showing a CHURCH-AND-STATE

affinity with St. AUGUSTINE. Famous for his EVANGELICAL
methods, Xavier is recorded to have had more than
700,000 conversions under his preaching. He left
organized Christian communities in every area he vis-
ited. He is the patron saint of foreign missions.

Further Readings
Brodrick, S. J. St. Francis Xavier.New York: The W icklow Press,
Stewart, E. A. St. Francis Xavier.London: Headley Bros. Ltd.,

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