
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

2000-1400 Patriarchal age of Judaism: Abraham,
Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.

1792 B.C.E. Hammurabi’s Code establishes law in

c. 1500 The Vedic Aryans invade India, intro-
ducing the formative beliefs of early

c. 1275 Possible date of the Exodus from Egypt.

594 Reforms of Solon in Athens curtail aris-
tocratic rule.

586-539 Babylonian captivity of the Jews: main
Old Testament books written in their
present form.

551-479 The Chinese sage Confucius writes The

510 Establishment of the Roman Republic.

508 Cleisthenes introduces democratic
reforms in Athens.

c. 500 Classical Age of Chinese philosophy or
Age of a Hundred Philosophers. Six
major schools exist, of which two are
still popular: Confucianism, concerned
with morality and good government,
and Taoism, concerned with under-
standing tao (way or road) of nature
and universe.

427 Birth of Greek philosopher Plato.

339 Socrates, about 70, is tried and exe-

384 Birth of Greek philosopher Aristotle.

c. 380 Greek philosopher Plato founds Acad-
emy in Athens.
372-289 Mencius develops Confucian political
367 Aristotle joins Academy as student.
c.348 Plato dies.
336 Hellenistic Age begins in Greece.
334 Aristotle founds Lyceum in Athens.

322 Aristotle dies.
c. 200 Decline of Confucianism as Taoism and
Buddhism flourish in politically dis-
united China.
200–118 Polybius, Greek/Roman historian,
writes The Histories.
106 Cicero born.
51 Cicero publishes de Republica.
50 Beginning of the Roman Empire.
43 Cicero killed by soldiers.

c. 6 Birth of Jesus Christ.
c. 30 C.E. Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
46 Paul begins his missionary journeys to
Asia Minor, Greece, and Rome.
64 The first persecution of Christians in
Rome under Nero.
70–100 The Christian Gospels are written.
161–180 Marcus Aurelius writes the Meditations.




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