
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

1963 Martin Luther King, Jr., writes “Letters
From a Birmingham Jail.”
The March on Washington, a peaceful
demonstration for civil rights, has over
200,000 participants.

1965 Louis Althusser publishes For Marx.

1966 The Cultural Revolution begins in
China. Mao’s “Little Red Book” is pub-
Althusser publishes Reading Capital.

1968 Martin Luther King, Jr., is assassinated.

1969 The modern gay rights movement be-
gins with the Stonewall riots.
Isaiah Berlin publishes Four Essays on
Herbert Marcuse publishes An Essay on

1972 U.S. Supreme Court rules that capital
punishment is unconstitutional.

1973 U.S. Supreme Court legalizes abortion
in Roe v. Wade.
Gustavo Gutiérrez’s A Theology of Liber-
ationis published.

1974 Robert Nozick’s Anarchy, State and
U.S. President Richard Nixon resigns
from office due to the Watergate scan-

1975 Foucault publishes Discipline and Punish.

Michael Oakeshott’s On Human Conduct
J. G. A. Pocock publishes The Machi-
avellian Moment.
1976 U.S. Supreme Court allows capital pun-
ishment to resume in certain states.
Francis Schaeffer’s The Rise and Decline
of Western Thought and Culture pub-
1977 In China, Communist government op-
position to Confucianism and religions
1983 Jurgen Habermas’s Moral Consciousness
and Communicative Actionis published.
1984 Benjamin Barber publishes Strong
1989 The Berlin Wall is dismantled and the
border between East and West Ger-
many is opened.
1990 The Russian parliament votes to abolish
the laws of the USSR, and the Russian
Federation becomes a sovereign state.
Nelson Mandela is released after almost
26 years in prison.
1991 James Davison Hunter publishes Cul-
ture Wars.
South Africa ends apartheid.
1992 Francis Fukuyama publishes The End of
History and the Last Man.

326 Chronology

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