
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

combined with the trappings of journalism. More
specifically, the goals of such a school of thought are to
point out to the straight libertarians and to the conser-
vatives how much they have had in common and how
effective the symbiosis would be between them. Ever
present in his thinking and writing, Buckley seeks to
answer the question: Does this augment or diminish
human LIBERTY? In many ways, Buckley’s views are nei-
ther conservative nor liberal. His view, for example, on
the legalization of drugs in the United States runs con-
trary to other political conservatives such as William
BENNETT. Conversely, Buckley’s pro-life stance along
with his preference for small government puts him at
odds with liberals.
Wearing several hats, Buckley is an editor, author,
and lecturer who was born in the United States, raised
in Europe, and is a 1946 graduate of Yale University.
Buckley is a popular, eloquent, and witty spokesman
for the conservative point of view. Early in his career,
Buckley was an editor for The American Mercury.In
1955 he founded the National Review, which soon
became the leading journal of conservativism in the
United States. Currently, he serves as its editor-at-
large. He ran unsuccessfully for mayor of New York in
1965 on the Conservative Party ballot, hosted the tele-
vision show Firing Linefrom 1966 to 1999, and writes
a syndicated newspaper column for United Press Syn-
dicate that reaches more than 300 newspapers. Among
the nonfiction books he has written are God and Man
at Yale(1951) and The Unmaking of a Mayor(1966).
Literary success for Buckley has come with his ficti-
tious novelistic accounts of the adventures of an Amer-
ican spy during the cold war and include Saving the
Queen(1976) and A Very Private Plot(1994). More
recently, he completed The Redhunter(1999), a largely
favorable fictional presentation of Sen. Joseph
McCarthy’s activities.
Buckley has been outspoken politically against the
WELFARE STATE, New Deal Democrats, such programs as
affirmative action, and, generally, the negative conse-
quences of government excess. Perhaps most notable
of his opinions has been his position on the drug war.
Buckley in several speeches and articles has declared
the American war on drugs over and lost. He has advo-
cated the legalization of drugs, albeit regulated to pre-
vent access to minors. This position is a departure
from many of his political cohorts, who consistently
advocate in favor of stronger penalties and tougher
measures to reduce the trade and use of illegal nar-
cotics in the United States.

William F. Buckley, Jr., has become among the most
prominent conservative political theorists and com-
mentators of the 20th century. All told, he has
authored 42 published books. Among the many hon-
ors Buckley has won is the Presidential Medal of Free-
dom, awarded to him in 1991.

Further Reading
Buckley, Jr., William F. Let Us Talk of Many Things: The Collected
Speeches with New Commentary by the Author.Roseville,
Calif.: Forum, 2000.

Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich (1888–1938)
Marxist economic theorist and politician
Bukharin combined with his theoretical work a life
of political engagement in the BOLSHEVIK revolu-
tion and the establishment of the COMMUNIST SOVIET
UNION. After falling from favor with Stalin, he was

Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich 39

William F. Buckley, Jr., ca. 1967.(LIBRARY OFCONGRESS)

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