
(Michael S) #1




Everyfew years inJanuary, as if on the heels of a fresh set ofNew

Ye ar’sresolutions, the L.A. Art Show tweaks its identity, unfurling across the Los Angeles Conven-

tion Center withrenewed gusto and a slightly revised mission.

When i t debuted in1995 at the Pasadena CivicAuditoriumfeaturing just14 U.S. galleries, the

event focused on historic American and Europeanwork. As the L.A.contemporary art scene began

to swell, the show, too, became decidedly morecontemporary, more international and bigger. This

year the show will host more than 100 galleries from 18 countries, and it expects about70,000 visi-


But not without reinvention — again.
The 2017 L.A. Art Show, which opensWednesday night,willfor the first timefeat ure on-site pro-

gramming fromeightSoCalartinstitutions: the Broad, the Getty, the LosAngelesCounty Museum

of Art, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Autry Museum of the AmericanWest, the Museum

of Latin American Art in Long Beach and the Muzeo Museum and Cultural Centerin Anaheim, as

well as the UCLA Chicano Studies ResearchCenter. The show will dedicate a50,000-square-foot

spacefor these cultural groups to stage performances and installations aswell a s live art talks as

part of thedail y “DialogsL.A.” series.

“Los Angeles is elevating in theworld of arts, and the contemporary art

EUGENIAVARGAS-PEREIRA’S“Talking Head Transmitters” will be presentedby Muzeo Museum.

EugeniaVargas-PereiraL.A. Art Show

L.A. Art Show

gets rewired

Major SoCal museums will have performances

and installations at the event this year — a first

[SeeArt show,E6]


“La La Land,” “Moon-
light” and “Manchester by
the Sea” havespent the last
several weeks bulldozing
through theawards season,
ensuring their spots in the
Oscar best picture race.
But what other movies
will be joining them?Tues-
day’s Producers Guild of
America nominations for
feature film provideda hint
of what might happen when
Oscar nominations are an-
nouncedJan. 24.
In addition tothe afore-
mentioned trio offilms, PGA
voters nominated“Arrival,”
“Deadpool,” “Fences,”
“HacksawRidge,” “Hell or
HighWater,” “Hidden Fig-
ures” and “Lion.”
Notable movies left off
the list:Martin Scorsese’s
profound exploration of
faith, “Silence”; PabloLar-
raín’s superb look at political
myth-making,“Jackie”; and
Jeff Nichols’ moving civil
rights drama, “Loving.”

But— not to get all movie
snobby onyou —they had
room for the subversive
comic book movie “Dead-
The “Deadpool” nod,
combined with theWriters
Guildrecognition the movie
received last week, might
lead sometothinkthat the
loud, lewdand extremely vi-
olent, attitude-driven movie
couldearnanOscar nomi-
nation too. Probablynot. For
one thing, PGAvoters have
historically showna willing-


A raunchy


has his day

Ryan Reynolds, makes
the producers’ list.

David Dolsen20th Century Fox

‘Deadpool’gets in

with the big boys. But

MIA are‘Silence,’

‘Jackie’ and ‘Loving.’



Apained frown raced
along MatthewMorrison’s
brow. This wasn’t theterror-
izedexpressionof horror we
recallfrom the hit TV show
“Glee” when his Mr. Schues-
ter was under attackbyhis
archenemy gym coach,
playedbyJane Lynch.Nor
theexaggerated,fierce scowl
he sportedrecently on a
Broadway stage, clashing
with Kelsey Grammer’s
Capt. Hook in “Finding

No, thiswas theresigned
look of the weary home-
ownerrealizing more bills
are on theway. Morrison, 38,
was backfromthe Chelsea
neighborhood in Manhat-
tan, where heandwife Renee
also live,tohiscozycom-
pound in the Hollywood

“‘GLEE’ACTUALLYstoodfor something ... meant
more to real kids,” actor Matthew Morrison says.

Marcus YamLos Angeles Times

Still powered by

song after ‘Glee’

MatthewMorrison is


on tour and hopingfor
his dreamrole.

ByChristopher Smith


Intersection of
style and society
“Tastemakers &
Earthshakers” draws
on L.A.’s history.E3

TV grid....................E10


Stephanie Zacharek,




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