Voice and Resonance Disorders 87
Culbertson, W., & Tanner, D. (2011). The anatomy and physiology of speech and swallowing (rev. ed.). Dubuque, IA:
Kendall Hunt.
Chapter 5 is a detailed examination of the anatomy and physiology of the voice production mechanism.
Gobl, C., & Ní Chasaide, A. (2002). The role of voice quality in communicating emotion, mood and attitude. Speech
Communication, 40 (1–2), 189 –212.
This article discusses several voice qualities, emotions, moods, and attitudes.
Tanner, D. (1990). Tanner muscular relaxation program for voice disorders. Ocean side, CA: Academic Communication
This treatment program provides information about reactive voice disorders and their treatment. It includes an
instructional recording that helps patients learn to relax their respiratory and laryngeal muscles.
Tanner, D. (2012). Exploring communication disorders: A 21st century introduction through lit er a ture and media (2nd ed.).
Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Chapter 3 of this book uses references to books, films, and media personalities to explore the human voice and its