20 Chapter 1
Then Elroy carries the trays to the front of the store. After examining the laminated sheets of paper
and the calendar, he carefully places the loaves of bread on the shelves. Soon, all of the loaves on
the shelves are properly rotated, and Elroy beams with satisfaction. The stale bread is taken to the
disposal area, where a local farmer will give it to his pigs. Apparently, the pigs do not care if there
is a little green mold on their food.
Persons with disordered or delayed language are at a distinct disadvantage; language is neces-
sary to succeed in school, vocation, and relationships. In addition, language and thought are fun-
damentally related, and there are certain cognitive prerequisites to learning and using language.
Many language disorders are associated with learning disabilities, and speech- language patholo-
gists are taking an ever- increasing leadership role in children’s literacy development. Federal, state,
and local laws and regulations dictate the special education ser vices provided to individuals with
language delay and disorders.
- Provide your own definition of language.
- What are the modalities of language and the learning disabilities affecting them?
- How does a symbol differ from an image?
- Describe the relationship between language and thought.
- What are cognitive prerequisites, and what role do they play in language acquisition?
- Describe the differences between language competence and language per for mance.
- Describe the typical communication be hav iors of a child with pragmatic language deficits.
- Define and describe dyslexia.
- Define and describe dysgraphia.
- What are some of the language prob lems seen in persons with autism, attentional deficit disor-
ders, and intellectual disability? - What is IDEA, and how does it relate to the treatment of language delay and disorders?
- Provide an example of how a person’s culture may affect language testing.
Kagan, S., & Kagan, M. (1998). Multiple intelligences: The complete MI book. San Clemente, CA: Kagan Cooperative
This book proposes and describes eight types of multiple intelligences.
Owens, R. (2016). Language development: An introduction (9th ed). Boston, MA: Pearson.
This book provides a comprehensive review of all aspects of language development and includes embedded videos
to illustrate each concept.