Articulation and Phonology Disorders 43
Alvarez, L., & Kolker, A. (Directors and Producers). (1987). American tongues [Film]. New York, NY: Center for New
American Media.
This film provides an excellent overview of accent and dialect in the United States.
Culbertson, W., & Tanner, D. (2001). Clinical comparisons: Phonological pro cesses and their relationship to traditional
phoneme norms. Infant- Toddler Intervention, 11 (1), 15 –25.
This article compares and contrasts phonological pro cesses and traditional phoneme norms, showing a strong rela-
tionship in extinction and acquisition age levels.
Culbertson, W., & Tanner, D. (2012). The anatomy and physiology of speech and swallowing. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
Chapter 6 details and illustrates the anatomy and physiology of speech articulation.
Tanner, D. (2007). Medical- legal and forensic aspects of communication disorders, voice prints, and speaker profiling.
Tucson, AZ: Lawyers & Judges.
Part IV addresses accent, dialect, and articulation patterns in speaker profiling, intoxication analy sis, and in forensic
interviewing and interrogation.
Tanner, D. (2012). Exploring communication disorders: A 21st century introduction through lit er a ture and media (2nd ed.).
Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
This introductory book has a chapter on articulation and phonology disorders and several examples of how they are
portrayed in lit er a ture and the media.