Noncommutative Mathematics for Quantum Systems

(Dana P.) #1
Index 179

Hopf algebra, 32
joint distribution
of a quantum stochastic process, 30

Kac type compact quantum group, 48
Kochen-Specker theorem, 21

L ́evy process
classical, 24,
on a dual semigroup, 101
on a Hopf *-algebra, 33
on an involutive bialgebra, 32
L ́evy-Khintchine formula, 26

marginal distribution
of a quantum stochastic process, 30
measurable dynamical system, 157
mixed state, 6
independence, 92, 101
L ́evy process, 101
product, 92,
monotone independence, 60, 62

observable, 5
operator process, 30
orderkconvergence, 168

Poisson generating functional, 40
completely, 125
element, 124
map, 124
probability space
*-algebraic, 4, 29
algebraic, 87
classical, 4
quantum, 4, 29
pure state, 6

quadratic generating functional, 40

probability space, 4, 29
random variable, 5, 29
stochastic process, 29
quantum cancellation property, 43
quantum group
algebraic, 45
compact, 44
Kac type, 48

random variable
classical, 5
quantum, 5, 29
reciprocal Cauchy-Stieltjes
transform, 56

Schoenberg correspondence, 35, 103
Sch ̈urmann triple, 36
state, 124
Haar, 44
mixed, 6
pure, 6
tracial, 124
vector, 6
stationarity of increments, 32, 102
Stieltjes transform, 55
independence, 23, 89
classical, 24
quantum, 29
subordinator, 25
surjective Schu ̈rmann triple, 37
Sweedler notation, 31

independence, 31, 90, 101
L ́evy process, 101
time-reversal, 103
topological dynamical system
classical, 123
quantum/noncommutative, 124
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