Noncommutative Mathematics for Quantum Systems

(Dana P.) #1
Independence and L ́evy Processes in Quantum Probability 51

where φbt(x) := φt(b∗xb). Moreover, by the antipode property
(1.6.2) we have

UU∗(λ(a)ξ⊗ρt(b)ξt) = U(λ(a( 1 ))ξ⊗ρt(S(a( 2 ))b)ξt)
= λ(a( 1 ))ξ⊗ρt(a( 2 )S(a( 3 ))b)ξt
= λ(a( 1 )ε(a( 2 )))ξ⊗ρt(b)ξt
= λ(a)ξ⊗ρt(b)ξt,

which implies thatUis an isometry with dense image and therefore
extends to a unique unitary operator denoted again byU.
Now the fact that the Markov semigroup(Tt)tis bounded on
Cr(G), that is,


follows immediately from the relation

λ(Tt(a)) =Et(U(λ(a)⊗idHt)U∗), (1.6.10)


‖λ(Tt(a))‖ = ‖Et(U(λ(a)⊗idHt)U∗)‖≤‖U(λ(a)⊗idHt)U∗‖
= ‖λ(a)⊗idHt‖=‖λ(a)‖.

To see that (1.6.10) holds, let us fixv∈ Handb∈Pol(G)such
thatv=λ(b)ξ. Then,

= (πt◦U◦(λ(a)⊗idHt)◦U∗◦it)(λ(b)ξ)
= (πt◦U◦(λ(a)⊗idHt)◦U∗) (λ(b)ξ⊗ξt)

= πt◦U◦(λ(a)⊗idHt)

λ(b( 1 ))ξ⊗ρt(S(b( 2 )))ξt


= πt◦U

λ(ab( 1 ))ξ⊗ρt(S(b( 2 )))ξt


= πt

λ(a( 1 )b( 1 ))ξ⊗ρt(a( 2 )b( 2 )S(b( 3 )))ξt


= πt

λ(a( 1 )b)ξ⊗ρt(a( 2 ))ξt


= 〈ξt,ρt(a( 2 ))ξt〉λ(a( 1 )b)ξ
= λ(a( 1 )φt(a( 2 )))λ(b)ξ=λ(Tt(a))v.

This way we showed that eachTtextends to a contraction onCr(G).
The extensions form again a semigroup and since both∆andφtare

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