Noncommutative Mathematics for Quantum Systems

(Dana P.) #1
Independence and L ́evy Processes in Quantum Probability 61

Remark 1.7.10

(a) Note that this notion depends on the order, that is, ifA 1 and
A 2 are monotonically independent, then this doesnotimply
thatA 2 andA 1 are monotonically independent. In fact, ifA 1
andA 2 are monotonically independent andA 2 andA 1 are
also monotonically independent, andΦ(·) = 〈Ω,·Ω〉does
not vanish on one of the algebras, then restrictions ofΦtoA 1
andA 2 have to be homomorphisms. To prove this for the
restriction to, e.g.,A 1 , take an elementY ∈ A 2 such that
Φ(Y) 6 =0, then

Φ(X 1 X 2 ) =

Φ(X 1 YX 2 )

=Φ(X 1 )Φ(X 2 )

for allX 1 ,X 2 ∈A 1.
(b) The sub-algebras are not required to be unital. IfA 1 contains
the identity operator 1 , then the restriction ofΦ(·) =〈Ω,·Ω〉
to A 2 has to be a homomorphism, since monotone
independence implies

〈Ω,XYΩ〉=〈Ω,X 1 YΩ〉=〈Ω,XΩ〉〈Ω,YΩ〉

forX,Y∈A 2.
(c) In the definition of monotone independence the condition


for allX,Z ∈ A 1 ,Y∈ A 2 is often also imposed. If the state
vectorΩis cyclic for the algebra generated byA 1 andA 2 , then
this is automatically satisfied. LetX 1 ,X 3 ,... ,Z 1 ,Z 3 ,.. .∈ A 1
andY,X 2 ,X 4 ,... ,Z 2 ,Z 4 ,.. .∈A 2 , then

〈X 1 ···XnΩ,YZ 1 ···ZmΩ〉=〈Ω,X∗n···X∗ 1 YZ 1 ···ZmΩ〉
= 〈Ω,YΩ〉 ∏

〈Ω,X∗kΩ〉 ∏

〈Ω,Z`Ω〉〈X 1 X 3 ···Ω,Z 1 Z 3
= 〈Ω,YΩ〉〈X 1 ···XnΩ,Z 1 ···ZmΩ〉,

for alln,m≥1, that is,X 1 ∗YZ 1 and〈Ω,YΩ〉X∗ 1 Z 1 coincide on
the subspace generated byA 1 andA 2 fromΩ.
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