Noncommutative Mathematics for Quantum Systems

(Dana P.) #1
Independence and L ́evy Processes in Quantum Probability 63

and 〈 1 ,h(Y) 1 〉 =

Ch(y)dν(y) for all h ∈ Cb(C), that is,
L(Y, 1 ) =ν.
Letf 1 ,... ,fn,g 1 ,... ,gn− 1 ∈Cb(C),f 1 ( 0 ) = ··· = fn( 0 ) =0.

fn(X)gn− 1 (Y)···g 1 (Y)f 1 (X) 1 =

n− 1

k= 1



f 1 (X)···fn(X)


〈 1 ,fn(X)gn− 1 (Y)···g 1 (Y)f 1 (X) 1 〉


n− 1

k= 1




f 1 (x)···fn(x)dμ(x)


n− 1

k= 1

〈 1 ,gk(Y) 1 〉〈 1 f 1 (X)···fn(X) 1 〉,

that is, the condition for monotone independence is satisfied in
this case. Similarly, one checks the expectation of alternating
sequences starting or ending with a function ofY, that is, the
casesgn(Y)fn(X)···g 1 (Y)f 1 (X), fn(X)gn(Y)···f 1 (X)g 1 (Y), and
gn(Y)fn− 1 (X)···f 1 (X)g 1 (Y).

The following theorem shows that any pair of monotonically
independent normal operators can be reduced to this model.

Theorem 1.7.13 Let X and Y be two normal operators on a Hilbert
space H that are monotonically independent with respect toΩ∈H and
Then there exists an isometry W:L^2 (C×C,μ⊗ν)→H such that

W∗h(X)Wψ(x,y) =

h(x)−h( 0 )

ψ(x,y)dν(y) +h( 0 )ψ(x,y),

W∗h(Y)Wψ(x,y) = h(y)ψ(x,y) (1.7.2)

for x,y ∈ C,ψ ∈ L^2 (C×C,μ⊗ν) ∼= L^2 (σX,μ)⊗L^2 (σY,ν)and

We have W L^2 (C×C,μ⊗ν) =alg{h(X),h(Y);h∈Cb(C)}Ω.
If the vectorΩ∈H is cyclic for the algebra

alg(X,Y) =alg{h(X),h(Y);h∈Cb(C)}
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