(singke) #1
4 Portfolio Adviser Guide to Asia and Japan May 2017





With low correlation between the returns from Japanese
and Asia-Pacific markets, investors may be best served
by separating their exposure between the two regions

Amaya Assan
Senior investment
research analyst,
Square Mile
Consulting and


or the long-term investor,
there are the obvious attrac-
tions to the Asian region,
these include favourable demo-
graphics, rapid urbanisation and
economic expansion.

trepreneurial, often family-owned
commercial businesses.
In some countries, considerable
progress has been made in terms
of structural reforms, which aim
to help develop the domestic mar-
kets and improve growth. The po-
tential for returns from such op-
portunities are the key attractions
to an active portfolio manager
with a flexible mandate.

The countries that make up the
region all have their own charac-
teristics and idiosyncrasies, from
the wealthier nations such as Ja-
pan, Korea, Hong Kong and Sin-
gapore to the likes of India, with
its strong demographic advantage
and growing middle class, which is
set to become globally significant
in the consumption stakes.
There are thousands of listed
companies from truly global be-
hemoths to the state-owned en-
terprises, as well as the more en-

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