Sanctuary Asia — May 2017

(Barry) #1


  1. Violet Sabrewing
    2. Purple Sunbird

  2. Violet-backed Starling

Thanks for all your fantastic
entries to the last issue’s
Cub Colour Me Contest!
Three entries have been
published on page 31.
The lucky winners are:

Aditya Sharma, 9, Bengaluru
Sanghamitra, 10, Kottayam
Ramesh Vishwakarma, 15, Bagalkot

The winner of last
issue’s Wild Guess
is Roshan Pious
from Dehradun.
The correct
answer is
desert fox.


Cub kids, here are the meanings
of a few diffi cult words and
phrases used in this issue
that will help you understand
nature better.
SUBSISTENCE: Production only
for one’s own use or consumption.
UNGULATE: A hoofed mammal.
SEDGE: A grass-like plant with
triangular stems and unnoticeable
fl owers, growing typically in
wet ground.

ENDEMISM: The occurence
of a species unique to a
particular location.

AVIFAUNA: The birds of a
particular region, habitat,
or period.

PASSERINE: Birds having feet
that are adapted for perching,
including all songbirds.

TROPICAL: Very hot and humid.

PECTORAL: Relating to the
breast or chest.

FURROW: A rut, groove, or trail
in the ground or another surface.

A Glossary of

Environmental Terms

Email your answers to [email protected]



CUB QUOTE “Nature does not hurry, yet
everything is accomplished.” Lao Tzu,
ancient Chinese writer and philosopher.

the volcanic rainforests of “Deep in
Costa Rica lives a nocturnal
cat so high in the tree
canopy that it is seldom
photographed on land. As
a regular visitor to the
rainforests of central
America, especially Costa
Rica, I had always wanted
to get a glimpse of this
small cat in its habitat.
I was very fortunate to
spend a few moments with
this graceful feline in
its natural environment
during my last trip to the
country.” – Supreet Sahoo
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