As personal trainers, the most common fitness goal we hear is, “I want my beach body ready for my
summer vacation.” For those of you who work your tails off to enjoy a nice vacation away, there is
no place quite like a beach to relax, unwind and to catch up on much needed sleep. It helps us get
away and recharge from our daily stress. However, with that comes irregular workout schedule,
decreased activity levels, more food and, of course, booze. But that is okay because we all know
that life is about balance.
Getting out for a vacation workout can sometimes be a challenge. We often find ourselves pro-
crastinating around it, finding excuses to do other things, or just putting it off until “later”. If this
sounds like you, then you know exactly what we are talking about. To help get over these self-im-
posed stumbling blocks we have put into place simple body weight exercises that have helped us
achieve successful workouts on our vacations. We call them our “Killer B’s”. These exercises have
worked for us, and maybe they will work for you to help keep you feeling lean, strong and beach
body ready even after you return from your summer vacation!
(Co-Founders of F.R.E.E. Fitness)