OM Yoga UK - August 2017

(Greg DeLong) #1


Famed yoga brand that now spans the capital, offering health
treatments and over 400 classes per week at locations in
Soho, Camden, Chelsea and Covent Garden. Amazing yoga,
Pilates and workshops for all tastes, plus feel good cafe
vibes and lots of lovely people. A great starting point if you’re
navigating round London on a big summer yoga adventure.

“Martin Luther King Jr once said that
service is the greatest form of spiritual practice,
and this is the heart of what we do at triyoga.
Seva in Sanskrit means selfless service. It is to
perform an act with no intent for personal gain or even
acknowledgement. Our teachers are in service to our
students, guiding them with transformational techniques
in order to bring about a state of harmony, balance
and ultimately contentment. And yet it’s important to
remember that yoga is non-denominational and can be
practiced by anyone regardless of their spiritual and/
or religious beliefs. Contemporary yoga for some is
a physical practice and for others a spiritual one.
Either way, yoga can bring solace in a world full
of challenges as students come to understand
themselves a little better, becoming
perhaps less reactive and more at
ease within themselves.”
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