Competitor - August 2017

(Barry) #1
senior contributing editors
Adam W. Chase, A lan Culpepper, Mark Eller, Mario Fraioli,
Meb Keflezighi, Brian Metzler, Allison Pattillo, Sam Winebaum
contributing writers
Jeff Banowetz, Kristan Dietz, Mackenzie L. Havey,
Matthew Kadey, Amanda Loudin, Kelly O’Mara,
Marty Munson, Don Norcross, Emily Van Buskirk
contributing photographers + artists
Jason Myers, Peggy Peattie, Jordi Saragossa

executive editor Nicole M. Miller
managing editor Kevin Gemmell
web editor Emily Polachek
senior graphic designer Valerie Brugos

Editorial + dEsign

director, web development
Scott Kirkowski
director, creative services
Matthew McAlexander
web developers Joseph Hernandez,
Miguel A. Estrada, Rachel Blades
interactive creative director
James A. Longhini

associate creative director Thomas Phan
junior web designers Sean Marshall,
Eddie Villanueva
director, multimedia Steve Godwin
video production director
Kevin LaClaire
multimedia producers
Oliver Baker, Ryan Bethke

digital sErvicEs

Mark Baba, [email protected]
Bill Pesta, [email protected]
los angeles
Mark Cosby, [email protected]
Xochilt Llamas, [email protected]
Joy Lona, [email protected]
new york
Kristina Larson, [email protected]


official magazine

account sErvicEs
Renee Kerouac, Kat Keivens
ad operations Luke Schoenenberger

branded content and
media strategy
Nicole Carriker, Emily Nolen

chief executive officer Andrew Messick
president Josh Furlow
chief marketing officer Chris Stadler
senior vice president, global events Patrick Byerly
senior vice president, finance Elizabeth O’Brien
senior vice president, sales John Smith

6420 Sequence Dr., 2nd Floor
San Diego, C A 92121
For distribution inquiries: 858-768-
Digital Issue support: [email protected]
Distribution management: TGS Media Inc.

  •, 877-847-

a publication of

No par t of this issue may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
Competitor is a registered trademark of Competitor Group Inc.

vice president, media Jessica Sebor
director, media marketing and
development Nicole Christenson
marketing coordinator Natalie Hanson

production manager Meghan McElravy
media operations coordinator
Hannah Sebahar
director, public relations Dan Cruz

cgi MEdia


Writers & PhotograPhers

JasoN MYers
summer running in Nashville
is brutal, so when i do run, i
make sure it’s in the mornings.

Jason is a Nashville-based
commercial photographer by
way of Florida. He photographed
musician and runner Liz Anjos
for this month’s cover and profile
(page 38).

i’d like to say a healthy green
smoothie. But it’s Popsicles.

Kevin is our managing editor.
For this issue, he wrote about
workout cults (page 14) and
running with music (page 30)
and profiled ultrarunner Kilian
Jornet (page 56).

KeLLY o’Mara
With a cold beer.

Kelly is a regular contributor to
Competitor and Competitor.
com. She wrote this month’s
training feature on beach
running (page 24).

eMiLY PoLaCheK
taking a cool shower and then
sitting in front of a fan for a
solid 10 minutes.

Emily is our web editor. A big fan
of RAC, she profiled Liz Anjos
this month (page 38). (Emily’s
recent broken wrist inspired our
training feature on page 43. Glad
you’re feeling better, Emily!)

how do you keep your cool as a summer runner?

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