Competitor - August 2017

(Barry) #1


Rest...sort of:
When your doctor says “rest,” ask
what that looks like. Because it prob-
ably doesn’t mean sit on the sofa and
binge on Netfl ix for the next six to eight
weeks. It usually means rest the injured
body part, but keep up your cardiovas-
cular fi tness. “Within two weeks of no
running, there’s a signifi cant decline in
your VO2 max [or aerobic capacity],”
says Jason Karp, exercise physiologist
and creator of the Revo2lution Running
certifi cation program.

Know what “keep running”
means to doctors:
That’s not code for “stick to your
training program and just hope the
pain goes away.” Many injuries crop
up due to less-than-ideal running
form, which is often amplifi ed when
you get tired. Suppose you have a

biomechanical problem that’s causing
plantar fasciitis. Even if you take time
off , the problem will come back once
you start running again, explains
physical therapist Michael Conlon,
owner of Finish Line Physical Therapy
in New York City. “Unless you’re
addressing the biomechanical issues,
the idea of rest and nothing else isn’t
that eff ective,” he says. Make an
appointment with someone who can
help you correct the underlying prob-
lem that’s causing the injury. And do it
now. It’s much easier to address acute
issues than ones that started months
ago, says Conlon.

Add and subtract:
When you’re forced to subtract
some miles from running, add
another type of exercise to the mix.
If you had a two-hour run scheduled

and you can only do 60 minutes
until you hit the pain wall, then do
50 minutes of physical training and
finish up on a different piece of
equipment. “I’m not preoccupied
with what exercise you choose,” says
Jonathan Cane, co-founder of City
Coach Multisport, “as long as it’s
intense enough to elicit a training
effect.” So if swimming isn’t your
strong point, then pick something
else, as long as what you choose
doesn’t aggravate your injury. (It
should be a linear sport, Brough
points out. Basketball and tennis
involve a lot of lateral cutting, which
can create new injuries.)

Create new patterns:
Even if part of your run trouble is
that your glutes are weak, strength-
ening those muscles with isolated



Use these smart strategies to
keep up your running fi tness.

You might not believe it when your
IT band is giving you trouble or your
plantar fasciitis is fl aring up or even if
you sprained your ankle, but there’s
good news about being injured.
“The number of times I actually
advise injured runners to stop running
is very, very few,” says Colleen Brough,
director of the RunLab at Columbia
University in New York. “If you’re
dealing with a bony stress injury, then
you’re going to need to sit it out.”
But when most of the other common
running injures rear their ugly heads
and threaten your next race, try using
these approaches to fi ght back and
stay on track.


proof your
body with
this 10-minute
strength routine
for runners.

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