Competitor - August 2017

(Barry) #1


Form CheCk
How to think about your body
position while running—
and exercises to right your
posture wrongs!
By Jean-François Harvey

Running is an art that we can perfect
through training. What’s more, just a
few simple changes can make a huge
difference over time.
Although the advances in exercise
science can be applied to running, some
people still believe that developing
their running technique is pointless and
could even increase their risk of injury.
They think we all know how to run, that
running is a natural activity we all did
as children, so we shouldn’t have to do
anything to improve our technique.
Others are of the opinion that we are
running the wrong way, and that it’s
the fault of the so-called modern shoes
we wear. In recent years, studies have
in fact shown that foot strike can vary
dramatically depending on the type of
shoes we wear. With advocates calling
for a return to a more “natural” way of
running, minimalist shoes represent
one solution to consider.
Every runner can run better. And do so
with greater comfort, speed and control,
while having more fun, saving energy and
enjoying a more natural movement. This
can all be possible mainly by improving
one’s running technique. All runners
have potential for fixes, whether in their
running form, training or biomechanics.

What is the ideal
running posture?
To have good posture is to have a body
position that is centered spatially and
balanced gravitationally. It can be
achieved with minimal effort through
control of the postural muscles. Having
good posture changes your relation-
ship to the environment around you
and within your body. It is one of the

essential foundations for every run-
ner’s health and performance.
The ideal running posture is the
one that promotes the most efficient
movement and the most natural,
flowing running style while respecting
your body as much as possible. Don’t
worry if your basic posture looks
different from the ideal. You have your
own posture, like a body signature.
And there’s no reason to change every-
thing overnight.
You can gradually work your way
toward the ideal without needing to
achieve perfection. There is more than
just one good running posture, for the
simple reason that human beings are

not robots. According to the principles
of posturology—the scientific study
of posture—and the latest advances in
biomechanics, we should be aiming to
run tall with a slight forward lean.
When you improve your posture,
you’re improving your ability to
express yourself not only to the outside
world but also within your body. The
effects of better posture trickle down to
everything you do. Postural exercises
can promote a better lengthening of
the spinal column by stimulating and
strengthening the deep spinal muscles
and all the muscles (quads, calves,
glutes, etc.) that hold the body up
against the force of gravity.

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