Asian Geographic2017

(C. Jardin) #1
JOE HENLEY is a freelance writer, author, and musician
based in Taiwan. His second novel is due out in early 2017.

PAUL RATJE is a photojournalist based in Taiwan. His images
have appeared in The Washington Post, The Guardian,
The South China Morning Post, Al Jazeera English and others.

down the operation, but they carried on, defying an as-yet-
unenforced order from the Manila City government authorities.
As a result, for the 500-odd families living in the GK
Compound – crammed into small single-room structures, not
unlike those along the Capulong Bridge, with three to four
families often sharing a home – skin and respiratory diseases
have become commonplace. “Sometimes Christian gets a fever,
cough, colds,” says Lovely. “It’s because of the coal.”
Maria Oscales, a resident in the GK Compound since 2010,
agrees that the coal is to blame. “I’m caring for two kids,” she
says, standing with her eight-month-old nephew, Lester, outside
her home, above a flooded walkway filled with stagnant, trash-
filled water. “They’re both sick with coughs and cold because
of the coal,” she continues, adding that their skin is often left
blackened by the constant presence of coal dust in the air.
“My nephew has asthma.”
“We work in garbage because the money is easy. Th a t ’s w h y
we don’t have permanent jobs,” says Lovely, who worked as a
domestic worker before that job was waylaid by back problems.

For Lovely, her family’s future in Happyland is uncertain.
At the time of the interview in October she was told that they
would be relocated in December 2016, but they hadn’t been
informed as to where yet. Others in the GK Compound had
been told the same.
Until then, life goes on as it always has, with the constant
flow of refuse providing Lovely, Christian, and the rest of
Happyland – and others in Manila – with a basic livelihood. ag

For Lovely, her family’s future
in Happyland is uncertain

AbOve The government
has announced plans to
relocate 200 families to
Bulacan Province

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