research productivity growth for NEAM disciplines in both groups, and also the
major cause contributes to the research productivity gaps between 985Us and
non-985Us. More detailed discussion can be made as follows:
Firstly, from 2006 to 2010, both 985Us and non-985Us show fairly good
cumulative improvements in TC index, and the latter reveals much stronger growth
effect than the former. Relative to the base year, the five-year cumulative
improvement rate of 985Us is 14%, while improvement rate of non-985Us is as
large as 30.9%. In the condition of low performance in other indexes, this stronger
Fig. 5.4 Cumulative change of TFP index of 985Us and non-985Us (NEAM)
Fig. 5.5 Cumulative changes of MPI decomposition of 985Us and non-985Us (NEAM)
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