
(WallPaper) #1

Therefore, wefirst propose a theoretic indicator system and its candidate indicators

on the basis of existing literatures. See Table6.1for detail. Selected Indicators for Econometric Models

Taking data accessibility into account, at the second stage of exploring influencing

factors through Tobit models, we couldn’t completely obey the indicator system

presented in Table6.1. There are three points about the adjustments that we should

make here. First, when applying two-stage DEA-Tobit model to estimate the

Table 6.2 Descriptions offinally selected indicators


Descriptions Value labels

Capital University location: if the university is located in
capital city

1 = capital city;
0 = otherwise
Eastern University location: if the university is located in
eastern China

1 = eastern; 0 = otherwise

Central University location: if the university is located in
central China

1 = central; 0 = otherwise

JU University location: if the university is located in
Jing-Jin-Ji areas

1 = Jing-Jin-Ji areas;
0 = otherwise
HSZU University location: if the university is located in
Hu-Su-Zhe areas

1 = Hu-Su-Zhe areas;
0 = otherwise
PerGDPa GDP per capita (¥thousand) in the located
SciTechb S&T output index in the located province
HighTechb High-tech output index in the located province
211Us Number of 211Us in the located province
985Us Number of 985Us in the located province
IntExc Frequency of international exchanges
Type University type: if the university belongs to

1 = 985U; 0 = otherwise

MOE University type: if the university is directly
administered by MOE

1 = MOE administration;
0 = otherwise
ARWUd University type: if the university is included in
ARWU 2012

1 = included in ARWU
2012; 0 = otherwise
FePerce % female staff
TitPerce % staff with senior title
DocPerce % staff with PhD

Notes aData sources “China Statistics Yearbook”;bdata sources:“National and Regional
Monitoring Data of Science & Technology Advances”(2006–2010);cdata sources:“University
Science & Technology Exchanges(2006–2010)”;ddata sources: Academic Ranking of World
Universities (2012);edata sources:“China Statistical Yearbook on University Science and
Technology (2006–2010)”“China Yearbook on University Social Sciences (2006–2010)”, but in
these documents, explanatory variables like FePerc, DocPerc, TitPerc, IntCoNum are all
university-level data, without consideration of NEAM or HSS disciplines

6.2 Econometric Analysis of Factors... 273

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