
(WallPaper) #1

6.2.4 Results for HSS Disciplines........................

In this subsection, wefirst estimate the influencing factors of HSS research effi-

ciency of 211Us. Detailed estimation results are presented in Table6.6. Overall

speaking, there are considerable differences on the conclusions obtained from the

econometric models between NEAM and HSS disciplines. We will have a dis-

cussion on this later. Environmental Factors

  1. Regional Economy Conditions

Concerning the impacts of four variables to measure regional economy condi-

tions, namely,“Capital”,“Eastern”,“Central”,“JU”and“HSZU”,it’s easy tofind

that those universities located in a capital city are more efficient, but this advantage

is not statistically significant. Compared with western 211Us, eastern 211Us are

less efficient, while the central 211Us are more efficient. Furthermore, those uni-

versities located in Jing-Jin-Ji or Hu-Su-Zhe areas are less efficient than universities

in other east areas, yet with no statistical significance.“PerGDP”is positively

associated with research efficiency with statistical significance at 0.05 level.
“SciTech”and“HighTech”, two proxy variables to measure the innovation of

Science and Technology in a particular province, have trivial and insignificant

impacts on research efficiency. These all imply that, to HSS disciplines of 211Us,

their research efficiency have less connections with local economy conditions.

  1. University Cluster

Based on the estimation results of“211Us”, the relation between number of

211Us in a particular province and the HSS research efficiency is inconsistent

across models, but all the estimations of partial coefficients are not statistically

significant.“985Us”has positive impact on research efficiency with no statistical

significance, implying that cluster effect appears where more 985Us are gathered to

some extent. Sectoral and Institutional Factors

  1. International Cooperation and Communication

The results in Table6.6shows that“InterEx”has trivial impact on research

efficiency with no statistical significance. This reflects that the increasingly frequent

international cooperation and communication haven’t brought the expected benefits

to the improvement of research efficiency in Chinese universities.

6.2 Econometric Analysis of Factors... 281

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