
(WallPaper) #1

namely NEAM and HSS disciplines, to do some in-depth analysis into the each

category respectively.^1

According to the announcement of China Ministry of Education, there are 112

universities titled“211 Project”Universities (or 211Us). Considering that North

China Electric Power University, China University of Mining Technology, China

University of Geosciences, and China University of Petroleum, all these 4 uni-

versities, have more than one operation entities, we count the total number of 211Us

as 116. However, in our research process, the sample size is reduced to less than

116, some cases are excluded due to two reasons:first, according to the proposed

evaluation indicator system, there are missing values on some indicators in several

universities during 2006–2010; second, considering the consistency and integrality

of our research, the sample size of this chapter should match the sample for effi-

ciency evaluation by DEA method and productivity evaluation by Malmquist index

in the following chapters. Both DEA and Malmquist index methods require higher

quality data, and do not allow for missing values in selected variables. Thus, the

selection of sample keeps out those universities lack of input or output data in

NEAM or HSS disciplines, which are unsuitable for modeling.

Next, we will briefly introduce the sample universities by NEAM and HSS

categories separately. (The list of the universities is presented in Table3.33and

3.34in Appendix). Sample of NEAM Disciplines

As mentioned before, there are 116 universities counted as 211Us in the following

analysis. While our NEAM sample includes only 100 universities in the chapter, the

excluded cases are:

  • 3 universities which partly contain missing values in “China Statistical
    Yearbook on University Science and Technology” (2006–2010): Minzu
    University of China, Tibet University, China University of Political Science and

  • 13 universities which are not documented in“China Statistical Yearbook on
    University Science and Technology”(2006–2010): University of International
    Business and Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics, Central
    Conservatory of Music, Beijing Sport University, Beijing Foreign Studies
    University, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai University of
    Finance and Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,
    Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, North China Electric
    Power University at Baoding City, Second Military Medical University, Forth
    Military Medical University, National University of Defense Technology.

(^1) In the remaining chapters, we will follow this approach, to do the analysis subject to the two
categories, NEAM and HSS disciplines respectively.
34 3 Overall Research Performance of 211Us...

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