A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

Table 16.1 Observations and email exchanges focusing on lesson-planning

Dates Observation visits related to email
exchanges about lesson-planning

Context and referential content of texts

Feb. 28 Denisereflective email to the other
embedded ethnographer

I am beginning to see missing lesson plans
for teaching from both candidates and
scarce written reflections from Brad
Mar 4 Denise emails Brad Denise reminds Brad of doing his missing
field journals
Asks for missing journals in email.
Denise assigns several questions to be
Mar 7 Brad answers and sends his requested
reflection. Denise responds

Brad makes great progress. Denise makes
suggestions and adds ideas
Mar 18a Brad responds to email from Denise To inform Denise that he is missing his
lesson plans due to job interviewing
Mar 18b Denise sends reminder emails to all of her
assigned candidates

Restating program norm and expectations
about policies on lesson plan preparation
and absences
Mar 19 Denise visits both candidates and has three
way conferences each: Brad,
Mentor-Teacher and Supervisor; Amy,
Mentor-Teacher and Supervisor

Checking progress for individual
teacher-candidates [does not meet as whole
with full team]

Apr 27 Brad sends email to Denise Required weekly email reflection of lessons
Apr 28 Denise emails Brad Denise responds to his reflection
Denise notices his lesson plans lacks several
components of required format
Denise send him some good sample lesson
Apr 29a Denise emails Brad Asks for week’s lesson plans
Apr 29b Brad emails Denise Sends last week’s lesson plans
Apr 29c Denise emails Brad Asks for the current week’s plans
Apr 30a Brad sends the current week’s plans Denise sees many missing pieces in thinking
and thorough planning for lessons
Apr 30b Denise contacts program manager for
May 1 Program manager emails supervisor with

Agrees with Denise’s concerns that lesson
plans need attention. Requests additional
Apr 30 Amy also sends in her plans
May 11a Denise emails program manager and

Informs them of missing lesson plans and
Amy’s absence
Provides information about Amy’s pattern
of absence
May 11b Denise emails Amy Reminds her again about program norms
about absence
May 11c Denise emails Brad Requests lesson plans

244 L. Katz and J. Green

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