A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

pupils vary substantially in mathematics achievement, thus allowing us to inves-
tigate a diverse set of education systems in terms of the variables of interest.
In 2008, the TEDS-M team and the national research center in each participating
country collected data^17 from representative samples of (a) pre-service teacher
education programs, (b) future primary teachers, (c) future secondary teachers, and
(d) teacher educators in the participating countries. The database developed through
the study involved 750 programs; 22,000 future teachers; and approximately 5000
mathematicians, mathematics educators, and general pedagogy educators.

Fig. 42.2 The teacher education and development study conceptual framework (SourceTatto
et al. 2008 )

(^17) Questionnaires were developed to collect information on the systems of teacher education; the
background and mathematics knowledge for teaching of future teachers; and background and other
relevant information about teacher educators. Document analysis of the teacher education curricula
and syllabi in the institutions studied in each country provided a“snapshot”of the intended
630 M.T. Tatto

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