A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

Furlong, J. (2013).Education—An anatomy of the discipline: Rescuing the university project.
Abington: Routledge.
Hardy, I., & Boyle, C. (2011). My school? Critiquing the abstraction and quantification of
education.Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 39(3), 211–222.
Hattie, J. (2012).Visible learning for teachers: Maximizing impact on learning. London:
Hoskins, K., & Maguire, M. (2013). Teaching the teachers: Contesting the curriculum.
In L. Beckett (Ed.),Teacher education through active engagement: Raising the professional
voice(pp. 71–82). London: Routledge.
Lampert, J., & Burnett, B. (2014). Teacher education for high-poverty schools: Keeping the bar
high. In S. Gannon & W. Sawer (Eds.),Contemporary issues of equity in education
(pp. 115–129). Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Lingard, B., & McGregor, G. (2014). Two contrasting Australian curriculum responses to
globalisation: What students should learn or become.The Curriculum Journal, 25(1), 90–110.
Lingard, B., & Sellar, S. (2013). ‘Catalyst data’: Perverse systemic effects of audit and
accountability in Australian schooling.Journal of Education Policy, 28(5), 634–656.
Masters, G. N. (2009).Improving literacy, numeracy and science learning in Queensland primary
schools. Melbourne: Australian Council for Educational Research.
Mills, M., & Mitchell, J. (2013). Where is pedagogy in teaching and teacher education? The
production of pre-fabricated teachers. In L. Beckett (Ed.),Teacher education through active
engagement: Raising the professional voice(pp. 83–95). London: Routledge.
Mills, M., Monk, S., Keddie, A., Christie, P., Renshaw, P., Geelan, D., et al. (2014). Differentiated
learning: From policy to classroom.Oxford Review of Education, 14(3), 331–348.
Reid, J., & Brennan, M. (2013). The standards cage: A contradictory politics of control.
In L. Beckett (Ed.),Teacher education through active engagement: Raising the professional
voice(pp. 110–124). London: Routledge.
Rowan, L., Mayer, D., Kline, J., Kostogriz, A., & Walker-Gibbs, B. (2015). Investigating the
effectiveness of teacher education for early career teachers in diverse settings: The longitudinal
research we have to have.Australian Educational Researcher, 42, 273 – 298.
Sahlberg, P. (2011).Finnish lessons: What can the world learn from educational change in
Finland?New York, NY: Teachers’College Press.
TEMAG. (2015).Action now: Classroom ready teachers. Canberra: Department of Education.

Author Biographies

Martin Millsis Professor of Education and Head of School at The University of Queensland. He
is a former President of the Australian Association for Research in Education (2014-2016). His
research areas include social justice issues in education, school reform, including alternative
education and social cohesion.

Merrilyn Goosis Professor of Education at The University of Queensland, Australia. Her research
interests include mathematics teacher education, numeracy education in school and non-school
contexts, interdisciplinary boundary practices, and teaching and learning in higher education.

650 M. Mills and M. Goos

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