A Companion to Research in Teacher Education

(Tina Sui) #1

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Goodwin, A. L., & Kosnik, C. (2013). Quality teacher educators = quality teachers?
Conceptualising essential domains of knowledge for those who teach teachers.Teacher
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Kelchtermans, G. (2013). Praktijk in de plaats van blauwdruk. Over het opleiden van
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Tijdschrift voor Lerarenopleiders, 34,89–99.
Lunenberg, M., Dengerink, J., & Korthagen, F. (2014).The professional teacher educator. Roles,
behaviour, and professional development of teacher educators.Rotterdame: Sense Publishers.
Murray, J. (2002). Between the chalkface and the ivory towers? A study of the professionalism of
teacher educators working on primary initial teacher education courses in the English education
system.Collected Original Resources in Education, 26(3), 1–530.
Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. (2010). Rammeplan for lærerutdanningen 1 til 7,
og 5 til 10 [Regulations on curriculum for primary and secondary education for steps 1 to 7 and
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Östern, A. L., & Smith, A. (2013). Response of the National Graduate School for Teacher
Education NAFO, to the call for a more research based teacher education in Norway. In A. L.
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between national identity and global trends(pp. 13–28). Trondheim, Norway: Akademia
Stevenson, H. (2015). Professional learning in global times.Professional Development in
Education, 41(5), 757–758.
Vanassche, E., Rust, F., Conway, P. Smith, K., Tack, H., & Vanderlinde, R. (in press). InFo-TED:
Bringing policy, research, and practice together around teacher educator development. In C.
Craig & L. Orland Barak (Eds.),Advances in research on teaching. International teacher
education: Promising pedagogies(Part A). New York: Emerlad.

Author Biographies

Jean Murrayis a professor of education in the Cass School of Education at the University of East
London. Her research focuses on teacher education policies and practices. Jean has published
extensively, taught at all levels of higher education and acted as an educational consultant for
governments, NGOs and universities.

Mieke Lunenbergis a teacher and researcher at VU University Amsterdam where her focus is on
the professional development of teacher educators. She has published extensively on this theme.
Mieke has also been internationally invited to give lectures and workshops about the professional
development of teacher educators.

Kari Smithis a Professor Norwegian University of Science and Technology and is Head of the
Norwegian National Research School in Teacher Education. Her research interests are teacher
education, professional development, mentoring novice teachers, and assessment for and of
learning. She has published widely and has given multiple invited talks internationally.

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