The Nation — October 30, 2017

(singke) #1


n the years shortly after the Second
World War, a new idea caught fire in
the North Atlantic: consensus. The
postwar settlement had divided the
world into two spheres. In the West,
liberal democracy—sometimes more so-
cial democratic, sometimes more laissez-
faire—dominated; in the East, various
forms of socialism and communism.
Many intellectuals on the right and left
decried this new age of conformity. Lib-
erals, on the other hand, celebrated it. It
marked their arrival: They had won the
war of ideas, if not control.
Consensus soon caught on within the
historical discipline. In the first half of

the 20th century, a group of Progressive
Era historians—Frederick Jackson Turn-
er, Charles Beard, V.L. Parrington—
had argued that the history of American
politics hinged on a series of social and
political conflicts. In the prosperity and
calm of the postwar years, historians
embraced the opposite view: The Ameri-
can past was defined not by a contest
over ideas and power but by ideological
agreement—a long-standing fidelity to
the liberal tradition.
Some within this consensus school
made their case more critically than oth-
ers (Richard Hofstadter acerbically ob-
served that liberalism’s dominance had

created “a democracy in cupidity rather
than a democracy in fraternity”). But
a more popular school found in it the
resources for a newly assertive Cold War
liberalism: America’s ability to find com-
mon ground was its “genius.”
One of the few dissenting voices
against the idea of consensus in these
years was a young Harvard professor by
the name of Arthur Meier Schlesinger
Jr. Schlesinger was an outspoken liberal,



Arthur Schlesinger, 1974.

What was Arthur Schlesinger’s “vital center”?

The Imperial Historian
By Richard Aldous
W.W. Norton. 496 pp. $29.95

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