Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

“I don’t care,” Bryce’s father said. “Go outside and stay out of trouble or
you’re not getting new goalie pads. End of story.”

The music cut out, and they could hear Bryce protesting, which embarrassed
Henry as he and Justin stared at their reflections in the computer monitor.

“Enough,” Bryce’s father said. Then the door thumped closed.

Henry and Justin walked out into the hallway to find Bryce as Bryce’s father
cracked the door open again and called out, “Did your mother say when
she’d be home?”

“No,” Bryce said.

“Come get me if work calls.”

Justin had to leave to watch his sister’s soccer game. After he left, Henry
paced around the living room. Bryce lay back across an ottoman with his
head hanging upside down. His face slowly darkened. He didn’t say anything.
Henry grew antsy and went to the kitchen.

“Can I have a Dew?” he called out, but Bryce didn’t answer.

When Henry walked back into the living room, Bryce was sitting right side
up again. “You know what we should do?” Bryce asked.


“We should burn the picture so Mom doesn’t find it.”

Henry felt all the bubbles in his body boil at once and considered stealing JM
from Bryce. But the relief of no longer having to hide her and the excitement
of starting a fire slowly replaced his anger.

“How’ll we do it?” Henry asked.

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