Forbes Asia — October 2017

(Marcin) #1


to enhance the application of big data and
internet technologies in targeted customer
service areas and to reinforce risk control. It
promoted its “Long Card” cross-border pay-
ment system, improved its mobile finance
products and accelerated its channel trans-
formation. About 99% of all its outlets are
now integrated, and the number of online,
mobile and WeChat banking users topped
250 million, 240 million and 62 million,
CCB also maintained its core competitive-
ness in housing finance with a 9.5% increase
in its residential mortgage book in the first
half of the year. It also grew its consumer-
finance business, with 102 million credit
cards issued by the end of June.

The bank introduced several measures to
better identify, assess and mitigate risks. The
initiatives have already born fruit; the bank’s
nonperforming loan ratio stood at 1.5% at
the end of June and provision coverage ratio
at 160%.
In addition, CCB remains committed to
serving the real economy and has given
its full support to national strategies such
as the “Belt and Road Initiative” as well as
to the coordinated development of the
Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze
River Economic Belt and the construction of
the Xiong’an New Area. The bank leveraged
its strengths in infrastructure construction,
its engineering cost advisory service and
its comprehensive licenses. Moreover, it

continued to optimize its credit structure by
strictly implementing “name list manage-
ment” to control loans across the five indus-
tries with heavy overcapacity.
At the same time, CCB has steadily
extended its overseas footprint, inaugurat-
ing CCB Indonesia and CCB Malaysia and
opening branches in Warsaw, Poland, and
Perth, Australia, to bring the total number
of overseas branches to 251 in 29 countries
and regions.
In the second half of the year, CCB will
remain focused on strengthening its value
as one of the largest state-owned commer-
cial banks, encouraging economic growth
and fostering the healthy development of
the financial markets.

The bank announced a 3.8% increase in net profit in the first half of the year.

Going forward, CCB will continue its commitment to serve the real economy.
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